IT Consulting & Strategy

We build a custom IT roadmap for your business, then meet with you on a regular basis ensure your systems are up to date and secure.

Azure AD Services

Syncing user accounts across your local Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, users can use a unified set of credentials to access Office365 and local network resources.

Active Directory Service

Active Directory Service (Implementation, Migration, Management) 
Windows Active Directory requires experience to configure efficiently across an enterprise.

IT Consulting & Strategy

IT Consulting & Strategy
We build a custom IT roadmap for your business, then meet with you on a regular basis ensure your systems are up to date and secure.

Migration scenario

Right migration scenario is essential for moving data from the Legacy system to the new system without any service interruption or data loss.

IT Automation

We monitor your systems and security 24/7. We proactively remediate or alert you when problems arise.

Full Network Maintenance

We manage and maintain your entire network including workstations, servers, wifi, internet connection, and more.

Let Us Assess Your IT Infrastructure

For no charge, we’ll assess your current server and network infrastructure and supply your company with a custom report containing our recommendations to improve your business’s IT.

    Continuous, 24/7 Backup of Company Data

    Get beyond daily backups – our systems backup continuously, saving versions of files as they are being worked on (including open files) to protect your data as you create it.

    Image Backup with Bare-Metal Recovery

    We back up entire server configurations to “image files” to offer a full restore to a new physical or virtual location in case of server damage or loss.

    Backup Laptops on the Go

    Our backup can protect all workstations, including those on the go. Protect sales data, executive laptops, and other mobile data with our centrally managed cloud backup software.

    File Version History and Quick Restore

    Our modern backup solutions keep multiple versions of files, holding a 30 day history of old versions. Roll back to the version you need in just minutes.

    Disaster Recovery Service for Minimal Downtime

    Disaster Recovery is the next generation in backup and recovery of servers. Disaster Recovery allows us to restore an entire server in hours, not days.

    Email Service Setup and Migration

    Ready to upgrade to world-class email service? Our experts will consult with you on your needs, set up the right service, migrate all of your existing company data, and assist each user with access, configuration, and training.